
Do you know anything about bed bugs?

Question by Julie: Do you know anything about bed bugs? Has anyone ever had Bed Bugs? Does anyone know if they can live with out oxygen? Best answer: Answer by Dustin HWell if your talking about dust mites, their are a lot of them (to put it simple) in your room, they eat the dead […]

does anyone have any experience in getting rid of bedbugs?

Question by sweetsandy: does anyone have any experience in getting rid of bedbugs? We have been having a problem for a while now and I know an exterminator is the best option, but I cannot afford one. I have taken everything from the room, washed everything in hot water and dried high heat, vacuumed, and […]

black bugs in my bed, but not bedbugs…?

Question by Christan: black bugs in my bed, but not bedbugs…? I keep finding these tiny black bugs in my room, but i’ve noticed its always on my bed, though. i know its not bedbugs because (when not filled with blood) they’re transparent almost, and besides, they’re more of an oval shape than the ones […]

Oh God… do I have bedbugs?

Question by red_chalk: Oh God… do I have bedbugs? I took the pillowcase off of my pillow to wash it, and saw these black spots on the pillow (looks like someone pressed a felt pen to it). But the PILLOWCASE doesn’t have anything on it. I don’t think if I had bedbugs they’d be going […]

Do I have bedbugs?!?!? PLEASE answer if you know anything about them!!?

Question by K.Frusciante: Do I have bedbugs?!?!? PLEASE answer if you know anything about them!!? I’m really not sure if I have them. The only way I could have them maybe is because I was helping my cousin move to a new apartment lately. Here are my signs: Random bumps on my legs, and a […]

Do I have bedbugs?!?!? PLEASE answer if you know anything about them!!?

Question by K.Frusciante: Do I have bedbugs?!?!? PLEASE answer if you know anything about them!!? I’m really not sure if I have them. The only way I could have them maybe is because I was helping my cousin move to a new apartment lately. Here are my signs: Random bumps on my legs, and a […]

Could it be bedbugs…?

Question by cwhite4881: Could it be bedbugs…? My 3 year old daughter had been waking up with little bed itching bumps, sometimes 1 sometimes 3 together, they’ve been on her belly, back, arms, hands it varies (not a lot at once) I looked up info on bedbugs, I wash her sheets very often and never […]

Is there anything I could eat or apply that would make me unappealing to bed bugs?

Question by Mariposa Traicionera: Is there anything I could eat or apply that would make me unappealing to bed bugs? I can’t afford to have the exterminators come out for about a week and a half. 🙁 Best answer: Answer by Alexsome people eat garlic, but that will make you unappealing to more than the […]

Is this bedbugs or hives? Or both?

Question by Kat D: Is this bedbugs or hives? Or both? I have outbreaks on the tops of my thighs that look like this: The reason I haven’t assumed it’s bedbugs is because they haven’t bitten my boyfriend (who sleeps next to me), they only bit me on the thighs on the exact same part, […]

How do i get rid of bed bugs?

Question by Glen O: How do i get rid of bed bugs? anything but throw out mattress Best answer: Answer by Aberdeen TykeVacuum twice a week. If possible put mattress outside in direct hot sun. Spray mattress liberally once a day with aerosol fly spray (insecticide), shut door for 20 minutes and leave. Nothing should […]