Do I have bedbugs?!?!? PLEASE answer if you know anything about them!!?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by K.Frusciante:
Do I have bedbugs?!?!? PLEASE answer if you know anything about them!!?

I’m really not sure if I have them. The only way I could have them maybe is because I was helping my cousin move to a new apartment lately.

Here are my signs:

Random bumps on my legs, and a few on my chest. They aren’t painful or itchy though, and I heard bedbug bites were itchy. They also dont look too severe, but it’s still so random. I have like 4 or five trailing down my leg and 2 or 3 on my chest.

I read that you can tell if you have bedbugs if your sheets have spots on them or you see skin casings. Of course, now I am paranoid and every little piece of lint or hair (I have many pets) is making me freak out and think that I have them. I’m not really sure if I see any spots, or if I’m just being paranoid.

Also, if I made an appt. with a dermatologist, would they be able to tell based on my bumps, if I have a bedbug bite?

Please help me!!!! I’m freaking out and I’m being super paranoid right now. Like I said before, my bites aren’t severe and there is 4 or 5 random ones, trailing down my leg and 2 or 3 on my chest.

Thank you so much!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Mr. Snoop
if theyre not itchey then i wouldnt think so. u said u have pets….maybe fleas. my moms cats used to have fleas and alot of times they werent itchey.

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Erin March 21, 2011 at 2:28 pm

i experienced them once and they were ITCHY! turn off your lights and lay in bed for 10-15 mins. have a flashlight with you and turn it on after 10 mins or so. life the sheets and see if you can see any bugs scatter in the flashlight light. dermatologist should be able to help.


Dawns March 21, 2011 at 2:30 pm

I would say that you do have bed bugs, bed bugs unlike most bugs don’t just bite and leave they walk around on you biting as they go leaving trails or circular patterns. Don’t mess around and have an exterminator spray immediately before they spread


jean ann j March 21, 2011 at 3:05 pm This site will tell you about bed bug bites and about bed bugs.


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