black bugs in my bed, but not bedbugs…?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Christan:
black bugs in my bed, but not bedbugs…?

I keep finding these tiny black bugs in my room, but i’ve noticed its always on my bed, though. i know its not bedbugs because (when not filled with blood) they’re transparent almost, and besides, they’re more of an oval shape than the ones im seeing. Not to mention i’ve checked my mattress for bedbugs and still didn’t find anything (because im super paranoid about that sort of thing). I don’t wake up with bites or anything like that, they’re just annoying and bugs are gross! i don’t know where they’re coming from, or even what kinds of bugs they are! if someone can tell me what they are and how to get rid of them, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.

Best answer:

Answer by Lar
would need to see a picture of what you have..guessing they may be Springtails

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Marvin March 28, 2011 at 2:31 am

Could be adult black carpet beetles. Google “{black carpet beetle” and compare the pictures shown with what you have. If they are beetles, spray the baseboards of the room with any insecticide containing pyrethrin, or again google “black carpet beetle insecticide” for alternatives.


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