
how do i get rid of bed bugs?

Question by jayg36: how do i get rid of bed bugs? I’m about to pull some mattresses out of a storage space and I don’t want to take any chances! LOL Best answer: Answer by Elmo_CaronWhat we call “bed bugs” are bugs that will reside in your bed once you are using it. If there […]

I recently found out that i might have bed bugs. My legs are filled with red spots. How can i kill the bugs?

Question by May: I recently found out that i might have bed bugs. My legs are filled with red spots. How can i kill the bugs? And how can i remove the spots and itchiness from my hands face and legs…?// Best answer: Answer by john_killebrewyou need a new matress,and spread sevin dust around the […]

i live in an apartment and a neighbor has bed bugs, what should i do?

Question by Bob Polumbo: i live in an apartment and a neighbor has bed bugs, what should i do? my aparment complex has 2 floors and is about 100 feet long, i live on the second floor on the opposite side of where the infestation occured should i be worried? What actions should be taken? […]

what can i do to get rid of bed bugs my self.?

Question by alex1982: what can i do to get rid of bed bugs my self.? Best answer: Answer by kathryn kto me the best solution is to get rid of your mattress and buy a new one. What do you think? Answer below.

are there any nyc movie theaters that don’t have bed bugs?

Question by kd: are there any nyc movie theaters that don’t have bed bugs? every movie theater near me has them, even in jersey. are there any in brooklyn, staten island, manhattan, bronx, queens that definitely don’t have them yet? Best answer: Answer by aqauriusew, thanks for the heads up, i didn’t know movie theatres […]

What are bed bugs, and what do they look like?

Question by Jimmy: What are bed bugs, and what do they look like? Best answer: Answer by pcjfdsklThey are little brown bugs that live in bed frames and around mattresses. They drink human blood. Know better? Leave a comment.

Are are the bite areas on skin from bed bugs or fleas contagious?

Question by ricky j: Are are the bite areas on skin from bed bugs or fleas contagious? Best answer: Answer by TamaraNot contagious but if you sleep in the same bed they will most likely bite you too and if you have closer contact with somebody who’s invested with fleas you will get them too. […]

have bed bugs and want to ask if anyone has used Diatomaceous earth and got rid of them.?

Question by TiburonKnight: have bed bugs and want to ask if anyone has used Diatomaceous earth and got rid of them.? And is it safe to sprinkle onto the mattress?. Best answer: Answer by Michelle Jyes! i used mother earth-d. i dusted around bed and cracks, crevices and dark places. unfortunately, i live in apt […]

appartment next door has bed bugs what should i do?

Question by **: appartment next door has bed bugs what should i do? they found 30 bedbugs but only in one bedroom is that a lot?? thanks! Best answer: Answer by Ray30 bedbugs easily becomes 3000 – One way to kill them is to make the room over 120degrees – They die at about 115 […]

Why Does New York Have Bed Bugs?

Question by Kelly V: Why Does New York Have Bed Bugs? I keep reading headlines about people suing New York City Hotels for bed Bug bites ! Best answer: What do you think? Answer below.