How do you get rid of bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by glendoria:
How do you get rid of bed bugs?

how to fine bed bugs

Best answer:

Answer by Jorge Rodriguez
permethrin, dilute it in a spray bottle, spray sheets (and mattress because you probably really hate them)

What do you think? Answer below.

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capwest5a March 12, 2011 at 11:26 pm

Find out if you have bed bugs? – Inspect your sheets and mattress. If you see any little tiny spots of reddish colored stuff, well, that’s their poop. Do you have itchy bites?
If so, you probably have them. They like to hide in the creases of fabric and even the cracks in the walls or under baseboards. They are active at night. Just like the little girl said in the movie ‘Aliens’ – “They mostly come at night, mostly”.
Anyways, here in Seattle as in many other parts of the US, those things are making a bit of a comeback. I hope the other answerer is correct, but I’ve heard of other people who tried spraying and it didn’t work. What kills them is HEAT. You should THOROUGHLY inspect your bedding materials and mattress for any sign of them.
If you see’ ‘bug-sign’, it would probably be a really good idea to discard your mattress and get a new, plastic-enclosed mattress. As for the bedding materials like sheets and stuff, put that in a dryer on high heat for an hour. Those buggers don’t like heat. Also inspect your clothes in the closet or any other furniture like chairs and couches.
I mean THOROUGHLY inspect that furniture.

I’m an apartment dweller. The strategy or service the management uses (oddly enough) is a dog who has been trained to sniff those bloodsuckers out. Apparently the bugs have a slightly sweet smell, either on them or in their miniscule excretions. Humans can’t smell it – but a dog? Dogs are all nostrils, kind of like bears. The dog will wander through the apartment (with his trainer) and if he ‘smells that smell’, he sits down and the trainer knows that there is bug-sign.

Taken to the most extreme, the treatment is to seal off the infested area and place lots of heaters in the area. Bedbugs don’t like heat, as I mentioned before. It doesn’t mean you are free and clear – they instictively scatter back to their cracks in the wall or under the baseboards if they feel threatened (rather similar to internet scam artists and cockroaches). It can take many treatments to get them under control once they are out of control.


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