Can you get bed bugs from being at someones house who has them?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Ashley:
Can you get bed bugs from being at someones house who has them?

I slept at my friends house, and she had bedbugs. Are they on my clothes? Can they come into my house now? What should I do with the clothes I was wearing there?

Best answer:

Answer by rmbrruffian
Yes they are. Throw your clothes in the washer on the hottest setting. Then dry them on the hottest setting. Hopefully you didn’t lay the clothes on your bed or drop them on the floor. Bedbugs are notoriously hard to get rid of.

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MasterGardner March 7, 2011 at 5:09 pm

There is a world-wide epidemic of bedbugs; they are showing up everywhere and are almost impossible to erradicate. You have probably carried them home with you and will need get rid of them before they take over the place and spread.


Patti March 7, 2011 at 5:19 pm

They can hide in your carpet, your mattress, the sofa and chairs, your clothing and the cracks of wood floors besides many other places. The best thing to do is to get a professional treat your home. There was a family in Oklahoma that had to replace their mattress, their wall-to-wall carpeting in their entire house and no telling what else to get rid of them. They had went on vacation and stayed in hotel, got them there. Also kids going off to overnight camps at the local university during the summer months bring them and the students may get them too. Wash your clothes, all of them.


jean ann j March 7, 2011 at 5:39 pm

You could wash you clothes with a half cup of baking soda and less soap that you usually use. Put a cup of vinegar in the rinse water.
Vacuum, vacuum and vacuum a lot where you put the clothes and where you sleep.


Barbera March 7, 2011 at 5:52 pm

Yes, there are chances of bed bugs coming into your home through clothes. It is better to launder your clothes and protect your bed with mattress protectors.These products help to keep bugs away and protect your bed


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