How do I get rid of bed bugs. The building I live in is infested with bed bugs and they are killing me.?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by a b:
How do I get rid of bed bugs. The building I live in is infested with bed bugs and they are killing me.?

I threw away so many things from my apartment (old clothes, sheets, etc.) they just keep coming back. I steam vaccuumed the carpet atleast 4 times, i sprayed bug spray all over and still i saw one today.

Best answer:

Answer by silverblueish
Bed bugs are challenging pests to control. They hide in many tiny places, so inspections and treatments must be very thorough. In most cases, it will be prudent to enlist the services of a professional pest control firm. Experienced companies know where to look for bed bugs, and have an assortment of management tools at their disposal. Owners and occupants will need to assist the professional in important ways. Affording access for inspection and treatment is essential, and excess clutter should be removed. In some cases, infested mattresses and box springs will need to be discarded. Since bed bugs can disperse throughout a building, it also may be necessary to inspect adjoining rooms and apartments.

Good luck!

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