
Can you get bed bugs by staying over in someone’s bed?

Question by Michele: Can you get bed bugs by staying over in someone’s bed? I am seeing this guy and I THOUGHT I saw a bug in his bed this morning. It looked like a picture of a bed bug i have seen before and I got freaked out. Is it easy to carry them […]

Going to someones house with bedbugs?

Question by Gina G: Going to someones house with bedbugs? My 77yr old mothers house is being treated for bedbugs. I am going to visit her for a day tomorrow from out of state. What precautions can i take not to bring them home with me. I know they come out most of the time […]

How does bed bugs make their way into someone’s home & how do you get rid of them?

Question by Soa’s Fate~: How does bed bugs make their way into someone’s home & how do you get rid of them? Best answer: Answer by xo379Bed bugs are awful–hard to get rid of, and very easy to get. They can hide in really small areas, so sometimes they ‘stow away’ in luggage, furniture, pillows, […]

Can you get bed bugs from being at someones house who has them?

Question by Ashley: Can you get bed bugs from being at someones house who has them? I slept at my friends house, and she had bedbugs. Are they on my clothes? Can they come into my house now? What should I do with the clothes I was wearing there? Best answer: Answer by rmbrruffianYes they […]