Has anyone used diatomaceous earth inside home for fleas,mange mites,bedbugs,roaches ,any other creepycrawlie?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by shelly J:
Has anyone used diatomaceous earth inside home for fleas,mange mites,bedbugs,roaches ,any other creepycrawlie?

I just ordered Diatomaceous Earth but never tried it.I got the kind you can safely put on pets,take as a remedy for yourself for different ailments&use around house to kill different kinds of bugs.If anyone has used it please let me know&if it worked.I mainly got it b/c my cats have mange&fleas&its getting out of control.And since this seems to be only natural&safe method to using anything without pesticide or chemicals&is safe for everybody but bugs &is cheap I’m trying it.So only if u used yourself please let me know how good or bad it is.Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by embee
Actually, I tried it & couldn’t get it to sink into the carpet- it was way dusty.
The BEST safe & natural stuff I found is Flea Go which I got at onlynaturalpet.com
It’s not going to do a thing about mange mites, though.
For that you’ll need to have the cats treated with a shot
of Ivermectin.
Do not use sulpher dips or lotions as they can cause illness & organ damage in cats.
Sarcoptic mange causes alot of itching and serious hair-loss around the neck, ears, face, head. Can also spread to tail
Diatomaceous Earth may work better on pets than it does on carpet, because it’s so light.
The way DE or Boric Acid (Flea Go) works is it dries out the fleas, so you need to leave it in carpet for a few days at least.

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cbarraza777 February 10, 2011 at 2:57 am

I have used diatomaceous earth in the past, a friend recommended it. The thing to remember with this is a little bit goes a long way! It is very messy, i used like a blush brush to spread it on my furniture and bed, it seems to work a little better, but put it down and then you need to let it sit for about 24 hours and then vacuum it all up. I was told to do it about once a week. I also put in on my cats, just be careful not to put it in their eyes, and this works amazing the fleas practically jump right off. It did help in my home some, but it wasn’t until I used it regularly and along with having an exterminator come out as well. It does wonders, but I wouldn’t rely on it soley.


Kristi H February 10, 2011 at 3:28 am

I found a litter of 5 stray kittens who were COMPLETELY infested with fleas. It was really bad. Since they were so young, traditional flea medicines were out of the question, and I managed to get rid of the fleas with a flea comb, DE, and baby shampoo as my only arsenal.
First of all, you need to make sure you got the human grade DE…the pool grade stuff is potentially toxic. Sprinkle the DE on your carpets, leave for a day, and the vacuum it up. You’ll have to do this every week or so for a month, because DE does not kill flea eggs, so you have to kill them as they hatch. At the same time every week, sprinkle about 3-4 pinches worth on your kitties, rub it in, and leave it for a few days. Then wash them with shampoo or Dawn dish soap, and comb them with a flea comb.
The main thing is just to KEEP AT IT!! Doing all of this once will not get rid of the fleas. Every week, wash all your bedding, kitties bedding/towels in hot water. Be consistent.
The best of luck to you, you’re in for a lot of work, and a lot of white dust, but it can work if you stick at it!


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