How do I get rid of bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Ted Smithson:
How do I get rid of bed bugs?

I wanted to ask how do I get rid of bed bugs safely and without toxic chemicals.

Best answer:

Answer by Brian F
sleep tight and they won’t bite

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MsCoralie February 10, 2011 at 3:58 am

ewww, I live in a warm climate and never get bed bugs. That would be too weird. I would wash your sheets every second day to try and get rid of them. I heard that some people put the feet of their bed in bowls of water – not sure about that.


libby lou February 10, 2011 at 4:28 am

They have bedding spray in the lice section at any grocery store. It may have chemicals but you just have to spray it once and it should work. You can put sheets right back on after it dries. My grandmother said she had a friend who had them back in the day and they used kerosene and wiped their beds done with them. You will probably have to search for non-chemicals ways on the web.


casslasure February 10, 2011 at 5:24 am

ask them to leave..


keiyla312 February 10, 2011 at 6:17 am

you have to buy a new mattress. a friend of mine had this problem and she called an exterminator (kinda weird but…) they told her she had to buy a new mattress because they spread onto the floor and well everywhere.


boxmaker40 February 10, 2011 at 6:51 am

Sorry to say, but it’s not possible. They live off of our dead skin which we shed alot of, especially in bed. We have them on our bodies to.
Not a nice thought I know. I wash my bedding alot in hot water, and vaccume the bed all over on a regular basis.
I learned recently, that making your bed up in the morning is not a good thing for bed bugs. They like the dark and if you keep the sheets at the end of the bed instead of making it up that will also help.
It’s a topic we all hate to think of, but there is no way to be rid of them.
I wish there was.


erimaido February 10, 2011 at 7:24 am

Use BedBugPowder!! It was the ultimate product that can get rid of bed bugs!

Also what you have been missing seems to be the heat attack. Bed bugs cannot survive with the heat over 120 degrees. So wash all your bedding items with HOT water, and use a steam cleaner on the mattress to kill live bed bugs.

Then when it is dried, put the powder on the mattress. It is 100% natural powder and is safe to humans and pets.

We had a bad bed bug infestation, but we could not get rid of them completely until we started using bedbugpowder.

Then apply BedBugPowder that is available from the site below. It is natural powder that is safe to humans and animals.

Good luck!


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