
have bed bugs and want to ask if anyone has used Diatomaceous earth and got rid of them.?

Question by TiburonKnight: have bed bugs and want to ask if anyone has used Diatomaceous earth and got rid of them.? And is it safe to sprinkle onto the mattress?. Best answer: Answer by Michelle Jyes! i used mother earth-d. i dusted around bed and cracks, crevices and dark places. unfortunately, i live in apt […]

Does Boric Acid or Diatomaceous Earth work on Bed Bugs!?

Question by Marie P: Does Boric Acid or Diatomaceous Earth work on Bed Bugs!? So I have a problem with bed bugs. I already called pest control and they did three rounds and I still have new bites. So i did some research and came across this pesticide called Boric Acid and Diatomaceous Earth. So […]

has anyone used diatomaceous earth to kill bed bugs and did it work?

Question by Kisha: has anyone used diatomaceous earth to kill bed bugs and did it work? Best answer: Answer by Shawna bI personaly havem’t used it, but when i was researching ways to get rid of cat fleas I came across diatomaceous earth several times. Apparently it’s small enough to cut up tiny insects like […]

Is food grade diatomaceous earth effective againts bed bugs?

Question by knovinski: Is food grade diatomaceous earth effective againts bed bugs? Best answer: Answer by versantlycontact a local exterminator. Know better? Leave a comment.

how effective is Diatomaceous Earth against bed bugs and how should it be used?

Question by Jester The Slacker: how effective is Diatomaceous Earth against bed bugs and how should it be used? Best answer: Answer by debijs~~DO NOT USE Diamaceous Earth inside your home. It is very damaging to your lungs! It can give you a terrible lung disease. Go to www.ehow.com and put get rid of bed […]

does diatomaceous earth REALLY work on bed bugs?

Question by Suzanne: does diatomaceous earth REALLY work on bed bugs? I have bed bugs!!!….does diatomaceous earth REALLY work on bed bugs…or have i just been suckered in (like the rest of the country) Best answer: Answer by Bill MTry it and see. I’ve heard that it also works on roaches. What do you think? […]

PuraCleenRx Bed Bugs – Diatomaceous Earth Bed Bug Killer – What do you know about this ? Is it dangerous?

Question by dina l: PuraCleenRx Bed Bugs – Diatomaceous Earth Bed Bug Killer – What do you know about this ? Is it dangerous? I need to know if it is dangerous to touch and breath it. Best answer: Answer by jaymerr2001Diatomaceous earth is perfectly harmless to humans and pets. It is a very fine […]

Pool grade Diatomaceous Earth to treat Bed Bugs?

Question by andybosik: Pool grade Diatomaceous Earth to treat Bed Bugs? My friend has Bed Bugs where he lives. I have read that diatomaceous earth is an effective treatment for Bed Bugs. I happen to have some diatomaceous earth for Pools. I have read that DE for Pools is not recommended to use for BedBugs. […]

Can I really kill bed bugs with Diatomaceous Earth?

Question by godofthesnes: Can I really kill bed bugs with Diatomaceous Earth? I moved into an apartment with a serious bed bug problem, left by the previous owners. now I’ve heard of Diatomaceous Earth and how it can kill all sorts of bugs, but people are praising it with a little too much enthusiasm. It’s […]

Do bedbugs avoid Diatomaceous earth. I know it kills them, but once it’s put down, do they avoid it?

Question by Marek K: Do bedbugs avoid Diatomaceous earth. I know it kills them, but once it’s put down, do they avoid it? Best answer: Answer by momtosixFrom what I have seen with other bugs, and read on the net, just like any other bug, they probably would..I am a big fan of the stuff! […]