
Do I have bedbugs?!?!? PLEASE answer if you know anything about them!!?

Question by K.Frusciante: Do I have bedbugs?!?!? PLEASE answer if you know anything about them!!? I’m really not sure if I have them. The only way I could have them maybe is because I was helping my cousin move to a new apartment lately. Here are my signs: Random bumps on my legs, and a […]

How does bed bugs make their way into someone’s home & how do you get rid of them?

Question by Soa’s Fate~: How does bed bugs make their way into someone’s home & how do you get rid of them? Best answer: Answer by xo379Bed bugs are awful–hard to get rid of, and very easy to get. They can hide in really small areas, so sometimes they ‘stow away’ in luggage, furniture, pillows, […]

How do I tell my friend who has bed bugs that I don’t want him to visit me until he gets rid of them?

Question by californiamermaid: How do I tell my friend who has bed bugs that I don’t want him to visit me until he gets rid of them? I have a friend who found out he has bedbugs! I have not been over there to visit anymore since he told me but I also don’t want […]

Do I have bedbugs?!?!? PLEASE answer if you know anything about them!!?

Question by K.Frusciante: Do I have bedbugs?!?!? PLEASE answer if you know anything about them!!? I’m really not sure if I have them. The only way I could have them maybe is because I was helping my cousin move to a new apartment lately. Here are my signs: Random bumps on my legs, and a […]

my mom is going to help my aunt clean her house thats infested with bed bugs, could she bring them back home?

Question by Linzy: my mom is going to help my aunt clean her house thats infested with bed bugs, could she bring them back home? im afraid if she goes to help my aunt, that we could end up having our own problem at our home too… any input is welcome and appreciated! Best answer: […]

How do I know if I have bed bugs? Can you see them?

Question by Caramieanne: How do I know if I have bed bugs? Can you see them? Best answer: Answer by ♥TayLee♥Bed bugs feed for a period of 3 to 5 minutes, after which they are engorged and drop off the host. They crawl into a hiding place and remain there for several days digesting the […]

bed bugs, fleas – how to get rid of them? …?

Question by HereKitty *RIP

Where do bed bugs come from?, where can I find out all about them, and how do you get rid of them?

Question by Inquisitive: Where do bed bugs come from?, where can I find out all about them, and how do you get rid of them? Someone brought a mattress to my home that may have them, how do I make sure what they are for real, that they are not something else, I’m guessing. Has […]

Do I have bedbugs?? How do I get rid of them?

Question by majortom: Do I have bedbugs?? How do I get rid of them? I have noticed several small bites on my body and my friend said they are bedbug bites. I looked online and checked my bed and mattress for all the signs of bedbugs, but couldn’t find any. I cleaned my whole bedroom, […]

Do I have bedbugs?? How do I get rid of them?

Question by majortom: Do I have bedbugs?? How do I get rid of them? I have noticed several small bites on my body and my friend said they are bedbug bites. I looked online and checked my bed and mattress for all the signs of bedbugs, but couldn’t find any. I cleaned my whole bedroom, […]