BBCTV #24 – CDC300 Bed Bug Monitor

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BBCTV #24 CDC3000 Bed Bug Monitor April 28, 2009 10:12 am In this episode, Jeff will show you the CDC 3000 active bed bug monitor, explain how it works and where he thinks it fits into a bed bug management program. The CDC 3000 is an active bed bug monitor that uses heat, carbon dioxide and a chemical lure to attract bed bugs to it. You can take this unit and place it in a home that bed bugs are suspected to be in and theoretically bed bugs should be attracted to it. We have placed the monitor in units where a large population of bed bugs existed and did in fact collect bugs. At this point there is still a lot of information that needs to be researched in regards to what the capabilities of the monitor are. Some of those questions are: Does the monitor out compete a human host? How close to an area that you want to monitor do you need to place the trap? If the monitor doesnt collect bugs what does that tell you about the presence of bugs? Either way, we do think that the monitor is a great design and does hold value in monitoring for bed bug populations but to what extent is yet unknown. If an when you purchase a CDC 3000, please remember to follow all manufacturer directions on how to properly set and use the monitor. Also, if you have any concern about the unit being infested with bed bugs, it is highly recommended that you treat the monitor in a Packtite portable heating unit for the maximum length of time that the portable heating unit runs.

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