putting rent in esgro due to bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by long live the dream:
putting rent in esgro due to bed bugs?

can someone put rent into esgro over bed bug problem? we had to throw away most of our furniture and such. we got the bugs from other apartments in the building but the owner is all nasty about it and blaming it on us. i am currently seeking legal advice to possibly take action against her. can i put my rent in esgro and if i do can i be legally evicted? thanks for your time and have a good day.

Best answer:

Answer by James J
Actually, it’s putting rent in escrow.

Yes, you can do that that, and as long as you go through the proper channels, your landlord cannot evict you.

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smedrik April 1, 2011 at 5:29 pm

In monst municipalities bed bugs are a health and safety concern. Your first step should absolutely be to call you tenants rights board or local health department to see if what your rights are in this situation.

If it is found that they are the concern of either party they will guide you through the process of escrowing your rent.


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