bug help!? Little insects in upstairs bedrooms? NOT bedbugs and not rolly polly bugs!!?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by x3:
bug help!? Little insects in upstairs bedrooms? NOT bedbugs and not rolly polly bugs!!?

They are small, about the size of a small piece of lint. But if you watch them, they move. They aren’t bedbugs because I looked at pictures and they look nothing alike. And they aren’t those bugs that turn into a ball and roll away, aka rolly polly’s. Here’s a description:
-small, lint sized
-raised back, circular, NOT flat
-brown , sometimes with an odd yellow tint
-little bumps on the back, similar to an armadillo
-travel alone, see one maybe once a week
-near beds and clothing

PLEASE HELP! I’m seriously losing my mind.

Best answer:

Answer by qwerty12345
It’s probably a carpet beetle. Carpet beetles are teeny tiny but big enough to see, probably the size of a pin head. Since their larvae like fabrics and carpets, you will see them most often around bedding and clothes, like you said.

The ones I have seen have some stripes on them, but I think I have seen some brownish ones too. The striped ones are called “varied carpet beetles”.

Here are some sites that can tell you more, including how to get rid of them:


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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Manda March 30, 2011 at 4:45 am

sounds like a beetle. CAll an exterminater if you are that stressed if not then let them be. insects are everywhere you might not even realize a majority of them


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