in Bedbug Questions

Question by athleticchica2003:

I got these little things that kind of look like mosquito bites and they itch like a mother, i was wondering are these bed bugs i didnt think they were because i even get them just sitting around the house I am not even in my bed. is it possible they are stuck on my clothes?

Best answer:

Answer by William B
do you have any pets ?
sounds like flea bites
get some flea bombs at a hardware
set one off in each room leave for about 4 to 5 hrs

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illinoismommy March 22, 2011 at 4:35 am

Sounds like fleas….this is why I will never have indoor pets. They’ve infested your home and live in the carpet, curtains, couches, beds, etc. Go get a flea bomb from the store and ditch the dog or cat that is bringing them in. Yuck.


erimaido March 22, 2011 at 4:42 am

Do those bugs look like the picture on the site below? If so, they are bed bugs.

Bed bugs are very contagious and can live any fabric material. So you should wash all the fabric material items with hot water. If there is something you cannot wash, use a steam cleaner on it, such as a couch, mattress or carpet.

Then you should apply BedBugPowder on the couch and mattress.That powder is 100% natural and is safe to humans and animals. Bed bugs are not dangerous, but they keep sucking your blood and they itch so bad. You need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Do not call a exterminator. We did have them, but bed bugs did not die…. they kept coming back. It was just a big waste of money.

That powder does a lot better job than those exterminator and a lot inexpensive!!

Good luck!


Pestech - Pest Control Solutions March 22, 2011 at 5:15 am

I have to laugh at some of the answers you have received. As a NYSDEC certified applicator I have to tell you before you do anything, a positive identification of the pest involved is crucial. Take a sample to your local cooperative extension or entomologist. Go to the doctor and have them try to determine what is biting you. Only then can a treatment be prescribed. Those that mention “bombs” are ill informed. They are non-residual products that once dissipated have no residual action. Eggs will still hatch out. With bed bugs, there is no one product used. It is a multi step process that is very labor intensive and time consuming. Bed bugs can lay dormant without a blood meal for up to a year or longer. They also go everywhere, not just in the bed area. You can buy over the counter products, I sell them myself at, but if you do not have the time, energy, and knowledge that is required to eliminate an infestation, it is best left to the professionals. Bed bugs are becoming an epidemic. If it were as easy as putting powder on your couch, this would not be the case. For more information visit


kitty6187 March 22, 2011 at 5:27 am

bed bug bites can look like mosquito bites trust me i know, I have them myself and it’s terrible and for one they can bite you even when you are sitting anywhere because they take like a minute or so and run back to their hiding spot. bed bugs do not come out in light unless they are desperate for food a.k.a blood. they come out at sunset for some reason and they are extremely HARD to get rid of. what i do is try and put garlic pieces around your house,it sounds silly sure but it works that’s what i do and they stay away 🙂 but if that doesn’t work if you have plastic chairs with plastic legs get rid of those, they climb up plastic also get chairs with metal legs and beds with metal legs to they never climb up metal. putting perfume around the house could work also and if they climb up the bed keep a flashlight near by and if you feel something pinning shine the light on them and they’ll run. just try those tips do not call a exterminator! they are a waste of money and do not work nor do bug sprays.


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