bed bugs bedbugs, Do you want to get rid of them within 48 hours?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Sherry:
bed bugs bedbugs, Do you want to get rid of them within 48 hours?

The bed bug situation has gotten out of control. I rented out my house for a year when my sister’s husband died and moved in with her, long story. I could only stand it for 4 months. Rented a 1 bdrm apt for 8 months till my tenant’s lease ran out. When I took posession of my house it was loaded with bedbugs. We are talking 4 double hand fulls of the things in one bedroom. I paid an exterminator almost $ 1,000.00 total and was still having to call him back to exterminate again. I personally think this is a racket and we are being bilked money. They spray and within 30 days you are calling and asking them to come again. The trouble with that is that it was getting increasingly more difficult to get an appointment because the damned bug is everywhere. So I started doing Research. Do bedbugs drink like a cockroach? No, they absorb moisture out of the air. A dehumidifier will inhibit them somewhat. Then I found FOOD GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH. It is an off white powder, kinda looks like boric acid but, not the same thing. Diatomaceous Earth totally sucks the life right out the little buggers. Totally dehydrates them completely.
After the exterminator told me they were all gone. I moved back in my house, only to find out that we still had them. Needless to say the fight was now on. I put double sided sticky tape on all legs of the furniture. I ordered the bedbug interceptor cups and put under every bed leg and coated the legs of the bed with vaseline so they couldn’t climb up. I had already encased every mattress and box springs in heavy plastic, just in case, I am very glad I did. I have had up to 27 bites on me at one time. Since one bedbug will bite you in three places every time unless interrupted (Breakfast, lunch, and dinner) That means 9 of them were on me at one time. This freaked me out and I got mad.
The Diatomaceous earth will make your house a mess, dry your feet out and etc. But it is well worth it. I got mine in a huge bag for $ 14.00 at “The Dog works” at 195 thurman avenue, columbus ohio. Phone 614-449-0045. It is totally organic, safe for pets and children, safe to use except you might get burning of the eyes and cough a little but, Hell, I don’t care the damned things are gone. Need me, email me

Best answer:

Answer by Natalie Bennett
Diatomaceous earth does indeed work wonders. Try applying a very thin layer of diatomaceous earth using a paintbrush or broom along baseboards, in corners, along your bed posts and bed frame, all over your box spring, etc.
For a bedbug, crawling through diatomaceous earth is the equivalent of crawling through barbed wires. It scratches their outer waxy layer and make it impossible for them to retain water. They dry out and die over 48 hours.
Diatomaceous earth will last up to 6 months if you do not vacuum or wipe it up. For ongoing bedbug protection, apply a thin dusting of diatomaceous earth after vacuuming as part of your regular cleaning routine.

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