Are there any bugs besides bedbugs that live on the seams of mattresses?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by SheWhoPondersClouds:
Are there any bugs besides bedbugs that live on the seams of mattresses?

I had a bedbug scare in which i found 5 bugs on my mattress. I looked up bedbugs online, saw that the coloring and general shape of the bug was the same, and freaked out. I scoured the room, got rid of the bed, and bought caulk to seal every single nook and crannie I could find. The bugs were the size of sesame seeds or less, the same color as bedbugs, had a cream underside, and were living along the crease in between the mattress and a built-in mattress pad. They were slow-moving and unaggressive. I found two more by the floor vent. There was no blood, no dark stool stains, no sign of an actual infestation, but I figured I had caught the problem quickly before it got to that point. Now, I am wondering if they were bedbugs at all.
I realize I should have saved one, or taken a picture at least, but was so completely horrified by the concept that I sprung into action without delay to get rid of them. I have since read numerous articles on bedbugs, talked to people who were old enough to have lived through infestations, and spent hours online looking at pictures, but can’t find a single site that shows me what other bugs might be mistaken for bedbugs. If anyone knows of a site that could show me pictures of bugs that look like bedbugs, that would be a great help to me.

Best answer:

Answer by softspot100
Try google images. Type in bed bugs/body lice/nits or parasitic insects. These infestations still happen in homes I am sorry to say. Not just in the days of us oldies. My niece in England just bought a new home and found it infested with fleas from the previous owner. She had to pay £70 for the home to be fumigated but it was worth every penny as she has young children to protect from diseases these parasitic insects can spread. You may find that all you have is a moth infestation from what you say but even that needs a fumigation as they eat carpets, beds, clothes etc.

Best of luck my friend, it has to be worth the money for a fumigation at least you will be able to sleep at nights.

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joshua m March 19, 2011 at 3:27 pm

Yeah, I know how frustrating it can be to find bed bugs in your room. There are a couple of closely related bugs that are similar to bed bugs, such as the bat bug, chimney swift bug, and sometimes the swallow bug.

Often the only way to know if a bug really is a bed bug is to have a professional look at it underneath a microscope. If you have a microscope you can do this yourself, I put together a video which shows how to do that.

You can find this free video at


jean ann j March 19, 2011 at 3:43 pm

Here we go.
This shows the difference between the bed bug and the swallow or bat bug. If you type in chimney swift bug, it will come up. this is the only site I know. It was changed. Bat bug.


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