bedbugs: why only her?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by tweetygirl3:
bedbugs: why only her?

been living in this 2 floor house all the 18 years of my life and never had a single critter in my room. No bedbugs, no roaches, no spiders, no mice. The rest of the house? Not so lucky. It’s DC, so it’s popular for its mice and roach infestations. I don’t mind them, lived with them all my life and learned that it’s a psychological thing with society that rejects mice but adores bunnies. Anyways, my elder sis doesn’t think the same way and her rooms chalk full of bed bugs. So what’s so different between my room and hers? They’re right next to each other, so the bedbugs could just come suck my blood, but they don’t. They seem hellbent on attacking her. She cleans weekly, I clean once in a blue moon. She shouldn’t be having bedbugs cuz she’s a clean freak! I’m a lazy slob ( correction: a BEAUTIFUL lazy slob, lol, I’m a total narcissist) anywho, i want to know why. The differences between our rooms are:

She has carpet flooring, I have hardwood flooring

She has a king sized bed that she shares with her man and 2 year old kid, I have a twin sized bed for my own use that I’m constantly moving around cuz it’s got WHEELS! hahaha, bed with wheels+harwood flooring=hours of pretending I’m surfing. Either I’m moving it for that or just to use it as a seat in some other location of my room

her room is 15×15, my room is 10×10

Different content in the rooms:

lots of hard surfaces in my room (tv on my wall, computer, printer, router, internet box, desk) with the exception of the small closet I keep closed all the time that has my clothes organized in drawers, my bed that is, of course, made of cloth and my curtains. Oh, and I have a lot of paper in my room

Sis wouldn’t have any hard surfaces if she didn’t have normal walls. the idiot even threw out the metal frames the bed is lying flat on her carpet floor. with her many blankets, soft teddy bears, and fluffy things.

Maybe since I have so many hard surfaces and i like to dance alot, i’m stepping on them and killing them before they have the chance to bite me? Maybe I’m freezing them since I always leave the AC on at 64 degrees on high? Or maybe they don’t like the stench of 5 day old sandwich I’m too lazy to take downstairs to the trash? Or maybe they can’t stand the loud music I play all night long as I dance to my favorite techno jam? Or MAYBE, it’s because I’m always moving around in my wheely chair and they can’t catch me? Whatever the case may be, i have no pests in my room. ONLY my room. My sis is soooo clean, she vacuums AAALL the time and she’s always going into a cleaning frenzy, it just doesn’t make any sense. Why haven’t any roaches or bedbugs or spider come into my room in the 18 years that I’ve lived in this house?

Best answer:

Answer by Shawn
She might consider moving the bed out and vacuuming it and the entire floor.

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