Does it sound like I have bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by jim:
Does it sound like I have bed bugs?

About a week ago I noticed a red bug bite on my stomach after waking up in the morning. It didn’t itch. About a week later, I noticed three red bug bites on my neck in the shape of a triangle. They don’t itch either.

Could I have bed bugs? Spiders? Or What?

Best answer:

Answer by Joe
You have something.

Spray your room. Including the mattress. Buy a mattress cover or pad. Pillow cover, as well. Clean your bedding.

Should help.

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MickBeth March 13, 2011 at 6:52 am

Some people can live with bed bugs for years and not know just because their skin doesn’t react to the bite. Some people get the red marks but no itching. Some get the marks, the swelling, the itching, the whole nine yards. Unfortunately I was one of those people. The fact that this has happened twice now and that you only got 1 the first time and 3 the second time tells me that you most likely picked one up from somewhere else and now it’s somewhere in your home, most likely in the room you sleep in as they like to stay close to their hosts. By the way, bed bugs usually feed in rows of 3, so if that ever happens you DEFINITELY have bed bugs. A triangle could happen too, especially on the neck since you’re more likely to move it around in your sleep, disturbing the bug. I suggest an exterminator, that would be the surest route, but I know that not everyone can afford that. I bought a powder (which I’m positive actually works) and basically turned my house upside down cleaning, drying, the works.They’re EXTREMELY tough to get rid of which is why exterminators are best, because bed bugs deposit eggs anywhere and everywhere and deposit about 5 eggs a day. Those eggs take a few weeks to hatch so even if you get rid of the bugs you have, in a month you’ll be dealing with the little hatchling vampires. Another really tough thing about bed bugs is that they can survive YEARS without feeding, so they can just wait in cracks until whatever treatment you’re doing is gone and come back. Also, they’re EXTREMELY tiny and can fit into just about any crevice– if you can slip the tip of your credit card into it, the bug will fit into it. They can infest furniture– I had a friend who threw out brand new couches and wooden furniture because of bed bugs. They only die from temperatures at about 120 degrees. It sound like you only have 1 from the bites you’re describing, if you’re lucky and it’s not pregnant, you won’t have to deal with all the things I did with an infestation (and mine was actually a really small infestation since I recognized it quickly).

Of course, I don’t want to make you panic. They could possibly just be spider bites. They really do sound like bed bug bites, though, and with the huge increase these past few years it wouldn’t be surprising if you picked up a hitchhiker at the movies or even in a clothing store fitting room. Do your best to find that one bug though, getting rid of it can prevent a lot of stress in the future.


Carlos March 13, 2011 at 7:12 am

You could have bed bugs or maybe something else. Getting a bed cover you be a great idea even if you don’t have just to protect yourself. If you are getting bite everynight you should put white sheets on your bed and then check your sheets every morning for any blood stains. Bed bugs leve behind blood marks. Also you could check around outlet cover for any signs.


expat4you March 13, 2011 at 7:12 am

Three red bug bites on the neck in the shape of a triangle? Must be anew species of chupacabra bugs


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