Whether the Travel Agencies Must be found Liable for Advertising of Tourism to Toronto, where Bedbugs, Toxic?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Major Nourhaghighi:
Whether the Travel Agencies Must be found Liable for Advertising of Tourism to Toronto, where Bedbugs, Toxic?

White Canadian Mayor and White City Officials really have not shown no responsibility for the public heath. SARS, Bedbugs, Noise Pollution, Dust and Gas pollution, and worst Toxic Moulds are problems that the City has obligation to investigate them and find proper answer for these serious health issue. My court files and complaints are proofs the since 1991 the City of Toronto did not take any proper steps to remove noise and toxic mould problems from our Condominium at College Street.


Best answer:

Answer by kim t
i would definetly stay away!!!

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Hi! March 13, 2011 at 7:39 am

I believe the answer to your Question is affirmative, as the travel agencies are ‘experts’ and must Investigate all Health risk issues before putting advertisement for location to visit.

I also have never seen anyone be happy of visiting Toronto; everyone has complaint, Fire Trucks, Ambulance and Police sirens are at def level they have no consideration whatsoever for people. I am shock how Torontonian are able to live is such Harmful City! Thanks for your good Question


Me March 13, 2011 at 7:47 am

To the best of my know edge Toxic Molds are serious hazardous for everyone, specially for BABIES have possibility to kill them, as I read an article in Toronto Sun in or about October 2004. Many Canadian using their homes to grow certain drugs which require a lot of water, also in Canada we have continuous Rain and Snow, all these facts are BEST condition fro Toxic Moulds to grow.

Therefore, if a family travel to Toronto and their Children die or get ill due to Toxic Moulds, I am sure that they can sue the Travel Agency.

It is a real shame that the City of Toronto does not put all these Extreme Hazard to its Web Site; therefore, the agent may file defense that did not know it.


Karen March 13, 2011 at 8:45 am

Oh my God! What a nightmare is Toronto! Thanks for informing us. I hope Toronto Police don’t Torture You for this information that you disclose to the public. And the answer to your question, I am sure is the positive. Any judge may simply make Order against whoever that cause harm to the Public Health.


Kevin++ March 13, 2011 at 9:28 am

I knew that SARS killed many people in Toronto, but no one tell us about Bedbugs, toxic molds and other issues that you kindly posted in the Internet. Except Canadian Judges, I am %100 sure that any other judge in the World is thinking about public health and safety. Canadian are too griddy for Tourism and Money …so they never disclose the ACTUAL crimes and serious public health issue to the people of the World. The censorship in Canada is killing everyone!


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