How do you keep from giving bed bugs to your friends?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by sarah d:
How do you keep from giving bed bugs to your friends?

Like, make sure they are out of your clothes and off of you whenever you leave the house?

Best answer:

Answer by Tiger by the Tail
You don’t come into contact with them to begin with.

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marys.momma March 3, 2011 at 6:47 am

I’m afraid that this question will require you to do a lot of research. Get on Advanced Search, and start with “prevention” and “bed bugs”. Then go where the articles lead, to find out more. Once they’ve infested your home, they’re very hard to get rid of.

Your first line of defense would probably be to launder everything you wear in hot water, and run it through the dryer. That amount of high heat will kill bedbugs and their eggs. Shower and shampoo in the morning, put on freshly-washed clothing that’s been kept away from infested areas of the house, and don’t touch any bedding, carpet, or upholstery before you leave.

It’s very considerate of you to take extreme precautions to avoid spreading these pests.


momo March 3, 2011 at 7:06 am

OMG I had bed bugs they sucked.
1. Don’t bring any bags to their house
2. Check your pockets clothes, etc before entering their house
3. Shower before you go to their house.


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