what will happen to New York when all the bed bugs take over?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Morgs:
what will happen to New York when all the bed bugs take over?

i heard on the news that New York is in some bad condisions because of bed bugs. i used to visit there all the time. im scared for what might happen. does anyone know??!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Jeff G
New York residents and hotels probably have the highest awareness of bed bugs in the country. Because of this all businesses are being very proactive about making sure that the infestations do not spread. Better hotels are aggressively inspecting rooms.

That said, it is a problem which requires some caution. I’d suggest only packing clothes that are machine washable, and use a hard sided suitcase to avoid any bed bugs that hide in seams. Another tip is to pack ziploc big bags. When you arrive, protect your suitcase in a big bag and you’ll go home bed bug free. Another tip is to use a bed bug travel spray on your suitcase before you leave. These usually provide 2 to 3 weeks of protection.

If you are still worried, call the hotel in advance and ask about their bed bug treatment plan. They will not be insulted.

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