
Why does this happen in my projects?

Question by : Why does this happen in my projects? My grandma’s project used to be filled with old people. Everyone was nice and it was a great place to visit. You could even go to the pool. But know its majority black and it has already had two crack busts. Bedbugs have infested the […]

what will happen to New York when all the bed bugs take over?

Question by Morgs: what will happen to New York when all the bed bugs take over? i heard on the news that New York is in some bad condisions because of bed bugs. i used to visit there all the time. im scared for what might happen. does anyone know??!!! Best answer: Answer by Jeff […]

Anybody know what happen if i get bitten way too many times by bedbugs ?

Question by LegendZ: Anybody know what happen if i get bitten way too many times by bedbugs ? I just recently bought a new bed and i been getting bite by bedbugs every single night when i go to sleep and i was just wondering what will happen if i get bite too many times […]

How does that happen, I asked about bed-bugs and where they suddenly are turning up in such places as the?

Question by Hand puppet pet: How does that happen, I asked about bed-bugs and where they suddenly are turning up in such places as the? empire state building,and got a violation notice? Truthfully I suggested that a lot of the bed bugs came here on the clothing of the “undocumented workers” but I guess some […]

What would happen if a mosquito trys to bite you at the same time bed bugs are biting you ?

Question by starkiller: What would happen if a mosquito trys to bite you at the same time bed bugs are biting you ? What i mean is, say you have a bed bug infestation, and bed bugs begin to bite you and then meanwhile a mosquito is also in your house and then actually lands […]