what is the best bed bugs killer?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by sska:
what is the best bed bugs killer?

After my tenants move in for two months, he got bed bug bits form his room, I have try every things also get ride of the carpet in his room, got the bed bugs power from the store,even so, he still have the bed bugs bit, Please tell me what should I do? and what is the best chemical or power I should buy? Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Gezo
But becareful, as it can burn whole buildings; if someone is careless.

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James B February 19, 2011 at 1:29 pm

Put cups of water at the feet of the bed during the night. The bugs will come out at night to drink and drown themselves in the water. You will not see them in the light, so be patient!


jean ann j February 19, 2011 at 2:29 pm

The bugs are in the mattress, the carpet and in the walls.
They mostly come out during the night.

Vacuuming the mattress and the whole bed and the whole floor can get a lot of the.

A zip up mattress cover can seal in the bugs. They can live 1 year with out food.
Washing the pillows and bedding with a half cup of soda and a little less soap and a cup of vinegar in the rinse water can get the ones there.

Putting some fabric softener sheets, like bounce, under the bed and around the feet can repel them

Rubbing alcohol is good for the bites.
And for cleaning things in the room. It kills them.

Boric acid powder, made to kill roaches, along the edges of the carpet and sprinkled lightly over the carpet and leting it sit over night and then vacuuming real good can kill them.

They also get in the closets.
The eggs are hard to kill. This might have to be done again.

High heat can kill them.
I read if you turn the heat up to 99 and above, it will kill them.


NAIDRAUG February 19, 2011 at 3:06 pm

First off are we sure they are bedbug bites? are they bites that leave a bump or bites that just leave a tiny red mark with no bumb?? If there is a bumb it is not a bedbug. Assuming it is, I highly suggest a matterial called “Precore”; it is an aerasole can and i suggest you get enough to do ALL rooms.
You will want to start by taking ALL your clothes, shoes, blankets and any other linens; putting them in a black plastic bag and putting them outside. (the heat from the sun will kill anything((bugs)) in that bag).
second you will want to vaccumm ALL carpets (make sure to get edges and corners) , beds, couches, and so on. Be sure to be verry thorough. After vaccumming, if it is a bag vac: disgard of the bag in your outside trash can immidiatly. If baggless vac: empty out the contents of the vac and clean out the filter and holder.
third; after all the above is complete you are ready to get started. you will need gloves (rubber or latex) and a resperator. Be sure to read the entire lable before starting. Start from the furthest point of the home and work your way backwards and out, when treat get low; you are going to treat the edge of the baseboards and corners, same with closets.
when treating the beds, couches and any other chairs, you will want to make sure to treat the cuffs, folds and any other creases. Do not be affraid to lift those folds (verry important). samething with couches, take of those mattresses of the couch and treat both sides. DETAIL is key esspecially where you sleep.
make sure to take your clothes and linens to a drycleaner.

Lets sum it all up:
1.clothes & linens go in a black bag and outside in the sun.
2. vaccumm thoroughly, corners and edges of carpet and beds. Dont forget the cuffs and folds.
3. throw the vac bag away right away, bagless dump out, clean filter and wash.
4. take clothes & linens to dry cleaners, including sheets and blankets.
5. Use rubber gloves, or latex and a resperator.
6. use “precore” to treat, read lable first.
7. when treating be DETAILED, corners, edge of base borads, broad treat the carpet of the rooms, cuffs of bed and couches and chairs.
8. Last. BE OUT OF HOUSE FOR 3+ HOURS. immportant because you really do not want to be breathing this stuff, so find a place to go for three hours. use that time to take ur stuff to the drycleaners.


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