what is the best way to eliminate bedbugs. i tried using lysol mixed with water and somehow effective.?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by real madrid:
what is the best way to eliminate bedbugs. i tried using lysol mixed with water and somehow effective.?

Best answer:

Answer by his woman giggling
vacuum the mattress and floor daily and wash the sheets daily for a month. When you see that you have them under control, vacuum your mattress and wash sheets at least once a week.

bed bugs feed on dead skin cells but will bite you. (this is nothing to be ashamed of, since they outlawed the strong pesticides, the country is having trouble with them.)

Another help is to shower before bed and moisturize your skin to prevent dryness.

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Annie G February 17, 2011 at 10:09 pm

get a bug bomb for each room in your house. make sure all kids and pets are outside when you set them off. stay out of the house for at least 4 hours. Vac thoroughly when you get home.


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