
What’s the story behind the saying “don’t let the bed bugs bite”?

Question by Patrick: What’s the story behind the saying “don’t let the bed bugs bite”? Best answer: Answer by bleachbuddythere are bugs that can live in your mattress. and if they bite you get little red dots all over you. it usually only occurs in places that are SUPER SUPER SUPER dirty. its soo gross! […]

whats the most effective way to remove bed bugs other than using pesticides? save my family!?

Question by thurman j: whats the most effective way to remove bed bugs other than using pesticides? save my family!? Best answer: Answer by oldncrabbyeew! Buy new beds!!! What do you think? Answer below.

What’s the best stuff I can buy for bed bugs & where can I get it?

Question by Big Shak D: What’s the best stuff I can buy for bed bugs & where can I get it? I live in Westchester County in N.Y. Best answer: Answer by saaanenAn exterminator, and they can be found in the yellow pages Know better? Leave a comment.

whats the best way to fight Bed bugs?

Question by theone: whats the best way to fight Bed bugs? Best answer: Answer by Linda SIn the olden days they would take the springs out side and catch it on fire. I am not sure how they treated the matress though. Post your answer to this question below.

whats an easy way to get rid of bed bugs?

Question by JesseDawg: whats an easy way to get rid of bed bugs? YUCK! (says the girl) but this isn’t that rare of a thing, and what should I buy to try to get rid of thee things. Every so often I see on, or have a bite. please don’t make other comments. I know […]

What’s strong and effective itch relief medicine?

Question by Agent47: What’s strong and effective itch relief medicine? I have bedbugs. I’m working on getting rid of them, but meanwhile I need something that can relief my intense itch I get. I’ve tried Benadryl and it’s a bit good, but need something stronger. Is there ointments, creams or sprays that can help? Even […]

What’s strong and effective itch relief medicine?

Question by Agent47: What’s strong and effective itch relief medicine? I have bedbugs. I’m working on getting rid of them, but meanwhile I need something that can relief my intense itch I get. I’ve tried Benadryl and it’s a bit good, but need something stronger. Is there ointments, creams or sprays that can help? Even […]

whats the best way to get rid of bedbugs?

Question by moneyman: whats the best way to get rid of bedbugs? Best answer: Answer by Jaysinget a new mattress. bedbugs nest in them. Post your answer to this question below.

whats going on with the bedbugs?

Question by breenie: whats going on with the bedbugs? i heard its being declared an epidemic… any preventions? Best answer: Answer by odandmehttp://medent.usyd.edu.au/fact/bedbugs.html http://www.uky.edu/Ag/Entomology/entfacts/struct/ef636.htm http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/bedbugs/ Know better? Leave a comment.

I have bed bugs. Bug bombs don’t work. What’s the cheapest route to getting rid of them?

Question by Flamingmist: I have bed bugs. Bug bombs don’t work. What’s the cheapest route to getting rid of them? I just don’t have the hundreds of dollars it takes to get an exterminator. How can I get rid of them for cheap and for good? I just moved in here the weekend before new […]