

Question by BONEDADDY711: WHAT ARE BED BUGS AND HOW BAD ARE THEY.DO THEY GIVE YOU AN AFFECTION? WHAT DO BED BUGS DO? Best answer: Answer by JJBed bugs are insects and they have several other names as well but they are commonly called bed bugs cause they usually live in bedding and bite you at […]

can bedbugs give u scabies or anything with symptoms of scabies?

Question by tastya: can bedbugs give u scabies or anything with symptoms of scabies? Best answer: Answer by RabbyBedbugs are different from scabies…bedbugs tend to look like mosquito bites along your body..if you think you have need to wait until the middle of the night (this is when they come out) and look with […]

Can you give someone Bed Bugs or Scabies by kissing them?

Question by John V: Can you give someone Bed Bugs or Scabies by kissing them? last week I came back from a 3 night field trip in Upstate New York. When I came back I was covered in red bumps. Four other people that were on the field trip also got it. I went to […]

If I give my dog a flea and tick bath, will it kill bed bugs?

Question by Jessie: If I give my dog a flea and tick bath, will it kill bed bugs? Just found out my apartment building had bed bugs. I haven’t been bitten but I see my dog scratching. If I bathe him in a flea and tick bath (after the extermination), will it kill the bed […]

My apartment has been treated for bed bugs, how long should I give the treatment before I clean it up?

Question by ykarnay: My apartment has been treated for bed bugs, how long should I give the treatment before I clean it up? My apartment has been treated for bed bugs this morning with liquid spray and white powder all over. How toxic are these chemicals, should I stay somewhere else and how long should […]