
what is the cure of bedbugs?

Question by Fe: what is the cure of bedbugs? Best answer: Answer by Bobbiewash the sheets and spray for bugs Add your own answer below.

A sure cure for bedbugs?

Question by victoria: A sure cure for bedbugs? I recently moved in an apartment where my good kind landlord has provided me with bedbug infested mattress. Initially, I didn’t even know what caused me so much agony every time I laid down and when once I just checked…!!! Well, so now I know they are […]

How can you tell that you have bed bugs/ bed bug bites? And how do you cure them without going to a doctor?

Question by : How can you tell that you have bed bugs/ bed bug bites? And how do you cure them without going to a doctor? What do flea/ bed bug bites look like and/or feel? Best answer: Answer by Mem Mget the vermin man in quick just in case and i have heard they […]

How do you get rid of bed bugs and cure the bite?

Question by shaun f: How do you get rid of bed bugs and cure the bite? I have these red bited and they itch and get swole. And I found out that they were bed bug bits. How do I get rid of the bug> And how do I cure the bite on my skin? […]