A sure cure for bedbugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by victoria:
A sure cure for bedbugs?

I recently moved in an apartment where my good kind landlord has provided me with bedbug infested mattress. Initially, I didn’t even know what caused me so much agony every time I laid down and when once I just checked…!!!

Well, so now I know they are bedbugs and since changing the apartment is no option for me as I have already signed a contract I cannot break without losing a hefty sum and my good and kind landlord is not that good and kind who would help me out. No amount of mass cleaning, insect spray, changing sheet and killing sprees has succeeded in getting me rid of the menace. Ughhh.

I have heard these creatures are pretty tough but surely I can’t be the only person in the whole world to suffer from them. Does anybody know of annnnyyyy way to get me rid of this problem? I’ll be loads and loads thankful.
I wasn’t exactly sure about my question category so if it happens to be in the wrong one, I am extremely sorry. Maybe you guys can guide me to the correct one. I’ll be thankful.

Best answer:

Answer by Johnka
A specialist pesticide company can s destroy them , at a price.

Alternative is to have a full weekend blitz. hire or borrow a steam cleaner. Wash all the bedding, including spares at as high a temperature as possible and hang outside. Vacuum thoroughly the mattress and all cracks and joins in the bed. Using the steamer blast every gap plus the space between the skirting and floor. If there is a carpet vacuum it thoroughly – if possible shampoo it.

Repeat the whole thing the next day – if possible sleep overnight somewhere else.

Following weekend do it again.

Horrendous but they are hard to destroy without specialist insecticides. They are now endemic in most top hotels in NY so you are not alone.

Bring back DDT, I say.

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