who is responsbile for removal of bed bugs in an apartment complex?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Roberta:
who is responsbile for removal of bed bugs in an apartment complex?

The bed bugs were brought in from a tenant down the way and now we are being told by our landlord that it is our responsibility to pay for it.
we also should say we live in colorado springs, colorado

Best answer:

Answer by clayton
The person who brought them into the building should be responsible. however, My folks had a 3 unit apartment that got infected when a couple, freshly married, moved use bedding and furniture into their apartment. They insisted that the unit must have been infected prior to them moving in and they said they were going to sue my parents..They promptly moved back out. It wasn’t infected, as no bed bugs and the problems they bring, were not noticed until the new couple arrived. All three units had to be treated by a fumigator, which worked on the first try. My folks, the landlords, were stuck with the bill. Therefore, I vote that this is your landlord’s responsibility to either collect from the culprit who infested the building, or pay for the fumigation him/her self.

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