are there really such things as bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Stranger Danger:
are there really such things as bed bugs?

because i went to get get changed in my room and there was this little brown bug in my bed.:( now im afraid to sleep in it.and its to late to do laundry.what dp bed bugs do anyways?
i always thought it was a joke

Best answer:

Answer by stephen
there are, but mainly in 3rd world countries. i highly doubt you have them in your room

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Vegas_Blue April 10, 2011 at 8:22 pm

They are very real. They are very tiny and when you are sleeping they bite and like a mosquito suck your blood. Gross I know but thats what they do. You will often find tiny little red spots when you wake up that werent there before, thats where they bit you. There was a documentary on them some time ago on Discovery channel. You need to spray your bed thoroughly and vacuum it. Be sure to vacuum it regularly to help keep them at bay. Wash the bedding too when you can.


hi April 10, 2011 at 8:30 pm

Bed bugs are small wingless insects that feed solely upon the blood of warm-blooded animals. Bed bugs and their relatives have evolved as nest parasites. Certain kinds inhabit bird nests and bat roosts and await the return of their hosts; others have adapted well to living in the ‘nests’ (homes) of people.

Hatchling bed bugs are about the size of a poppy seed, and adults are about 1/4 of an inch in length. From above they are oval in shape, but are flattened from top to bottom.

bed bugs can aggravate certain allergies, as well as bite exposed areas of skin causing itchy welts. for more info


Broken Soul April 10, 2011 at 9:06 pm

yes there are. I would suggest sleeping on the couch or something, as bedbugs are parasitic and suck your blood while you are asleep. check out this link below and see if it looks anything like the one you found. and make sure to wash your sheets in the morning. also, rub down the bed furniture with rubbing alcohol. and maybe even wrap your mattress in plastic wrap.


me April 10, 2011 at 9:54 pm

Actually North America is seeing a huge rise in bedbugs. You need to check the seamed edges of your mattress. Lift the edges and if you have them you will see them there.

And just like the old saying ..what bedbugs do is bite. They are very difficult to get rid of.


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