Do I have bed bugs, and if so, how can I get rid of them?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by 😀:
Do I have bed bugs, and if so, how can I get rid of them?

One day I woke up with just a few rashes or bites. Thinking that it was just mosquito bites, I ignored it. (Even though it is late fall) Then going to bed, I woke up again, discovering I have about 10 more. This morning, no more appeared. Do I have bed bugs?

Best answer:

Answer by Anonymous
If the bites look like this:

or similar, then yes, you do have them unfortunately. I have had bed bugs before, and this is NOT something you can ignore. At first I payed no attention, and too, thought it was misquitoes. But they multiply fast, and after a month were everywhere. Call pest exterminators. There is no way you can get rid of them on your own, trust me. It’s almost like trying to get rid of roaches, you just can’t.

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.... ⏈aav March 30, 2011 at 11:30 pm

Yes, you do have bed bugs. Those are the signs, that you listed.

Go do a Google search for bed bug removers in your city/state. A few companies who will come to your house to remove bed bugs will pop up.


Furbawl March 31, 2011 at 12:11 am

Go to this website, they seem to know what they’re talking about, much better than I could have said.


Robert W March 31, 2011 at 1:09 am

Yes it sounds like you very possibly have bed bugs. These are very difficult to get rid of (a friend of mine is a former pest control serviceman) requiring the hiring of professionals. Since they hide just about anywhere, it can take several treatments before they’re totally gone.


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