Why so many bed bugs in america lately?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Chosen One:
Why so many bed bugs in america lately?

Every time i turn on the news for at least a month now they say something about bedbugs closing down a store, library, or any type of Business, and of course homes. Has this been going on or is this a big boom of bedbugs. Today i saw that alot of bedbugs closed down a shoe store in new york and in maryland a library was closed down because of them.

Best answer:

Answer by iris
No one knows for sure, but there could be a variety of likely factors. One is that just up to a decade or two ago, some very dangerous pesticides were still being used without much control. Chemicals such as DDT and Chlordane were being used without much caution for where they were used, how, or in what concentrations. Since then, the harms of these chemicals are better known. DDT and Chlordane were extremely effective, and it helped a great deal with keeping the numbers of the bugs, insect and spider populations down. Malathion was also sprayed in some areas, and it not only killed the target, but other creatures as well. Unfortunately, there were cases of school children also being sprayed at the same time. So there’s been a lot of restructuring the controls on the use of pesticides.

Another factor can be greater land travel almost everywhere in the world. It’s much greater just over the last decade, and some countries have bigger problems with this sort of pest, or tolerate it as something commonplace rather than a horrible isolated experience.

A third factor can be the great increase yard sales, garage sales, second hand stores, adding to the problems described in my other paragraphs.

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