How do I know If I have bedbugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Grz.:
How do I know If I have bedbugs?

Can I have bedbugs If I do not have a bed frame? I was just laying for about 10 minutes and so on my bed with the lights on thinking.. and then suddenly I saw ONE bug crawling..
Could it be? It doesn’t look like a croach. I do itch but i always each cause of my rash problems but I did got bite i do not know if its the BB though. I had two bites and that was it..
My bed also has blood stains from previous past, alot of my friends and family had sleep on it and period on it. Should I get rid of this bed and buy a new one? Thank you!
Oh and just new case you guys said ” you should of get rid of the bed sooner” I am a child ^^

Best answer:

Answer by newfy_newfy
damn those period beds !

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vangion March 29, 2011 at 1:23 pm

Yes you can have bed bugs with no bed frame
You can bed bugs with no bed

BBs look a little like small watermelon seeds

Look for small, almost tiny, blood stains on your pillow
Look in every crack and crevice around the bed
Flip the mattress look underneath
Look in , under and around that chord that goes around the mattress

Look under the carpet at the baseboard, any furniture and any drapery in the room

They are small and hide in small places

If you have them, the only truly effective treatment is heat the room to about 150 degrees for at least four hours

There are other methods that will work also, and they all include getting rid of the bed


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