what it the best way to kill bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by jessica eader e:
what it the best way to kill bed bugs?

what chemicals should i use and how can i prevent them form coming back

Best answer:

Answer by Jasper R
to prevent them from coming back you have to wash your sheets every 2 weeks. Regular detergent will do the job of killing them.

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helmetmouse March 25, 2011 at 9:39 pm
Tiffany March 25, 2011 at 10:13 pm

you can’t prevent them from coming back, no matter what you do. They are naturally in everyone’s laundry, but to control them you must wash you bed linens at least once a week in hot water and bleach.


smurge1980 March 25, 2011 at 10:13 pm

bed bugs are tough to get rid of. A main majority of the time you need to Toss your bed in the trash, Empty the bedroom and replace the carpet.

Then you need to call in an extermination team to bomb your house.

If you dont do this they just keep laying eggs left and right and you will never get rid of them.


jBo March 25, 2011 at 10:38 pm

You have to get them professionally removed … I read an article that you have to wash EVERYTHING in the house, vacuum EVERYTHING … even books, before they come and spray.

I’m sorry if you have them … vacuuming books does not sound like a good time.


jmad March 25, 2011 at 11:23 pm

I read an article on-line that said you need to wash your sheets and pillows in hot, hot, hot water and that you need to vacuum your mattress and box spring on both sides. You also need to clean your entire house and get rid of any pets (sorry fluffy) or take them to be groomed (washed and trimmed). If your kids have stuffed animals-stick them all in trash bags for a few months so that you suffocate the little pests. To prevent them from coming back you need to find a bug man that still uses a gel pesticide because that is the only thing that will kill them. The liquid stuff that we use now just doesn’t do it. Also, check for bed bugs in the folds of the mattress (both sides) every time you stay anywhere other than your own house to make sure that you don’t bring them home. If none of that works, there is a spray that you can buy off of http://www.deadbedbug.com that you spray on your mattress.


Feroze R March 26, 2011 at 12:16 am

it is very very hard to get rid of bed bugs,but there is nothing wrong in trying.just take out the main source of bed bugs,the mattress out in the sun,vaccume it thoroughly,spray any roach&ant killer spray,all around the seams and joints of the mattress fabric,those are the places where bugs eggs are,distroying the eggs is the only solution to end the bugs for ever.leave the mattress out for one day out in the sun,it will take away the spray’s dangerous fumes too.now go to the structure of the bed if you can take it out and spray and wash with the hot water is the best solution,if not then spray the bug killer thoroughly in the hidden joints,and then clean all the structure with the hot damp cloth,wipe it nicely.
wash all the sheets and pillo covers,with the hot water.it possible trash the pillows and buy new pillow will make worth all your hard work for cleaning the bugs out.spray all around the the carpet where it ends to the four walls.the eggs of the bugs are hiding there then vaccume the room and leave the room open winwows for cross ventilation for the bugs spray.and bring all the stuff bak to the bed and make sure that the mattress you sprayed should be dried and cover with the plastic and then with the fitted sheet,then the regular sheet so the dangerous psticide do not become a health hazzard.these steps i told you just to save the money otherwise the best and easiest solution is through all the stuff from the bed room including the carpet and repaint the room and buy all the stuff new.since most of us can’t afford to through away things so we have to solve the problem within our financial limits and resources.
bed bugs are very common in third world countries,so i have seen this kind of problems almost half of my life living there.and in those country no matter how much you keep your house protected from the bugs,still you can get it by trveling through the infected bagage of a person traveling with you.it takes only one female bug to transfer from one house to othe which has eggs and then the nightmere start for the clean home.i remember my mother use to sun all the pillows and comfortors and mattresses every six months and off cource wash the sheets every week and dry them in hot sun,because they do not have the drier system.big yards and concrete top roof to dry the clothes.lots of maid and servents to help to do the job.
good luck.


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