how to get rid of bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by greencaspa:
how to get rid of bed bugs?

this is kinda embarrassing but i believe i have bed bug in my room. i am very mad because i have no idea how they got there. i clean my room at least once a week. i have bites on my legs mostly. every night i get about 4 new bites and they’re around the same area. any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by Kung Fu Panda
get a new bed.they live inside the did a show about people selling used mattresses and virtually impossible to get rid of them.

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Vince S March 22, 2011 at 9:11 am

remind me to never crash at your place


Rafael "The Patriot" March 22, 2011 at 9:38 am

I just saw an episode on animal planet 2 days ago called “Sex Maniacs.” Apparently, bed bugs can lay up to 12 eggs at a time and reproduce very quickly. The woman in the show called up this exterminator who came to her house and used some sort of carbon dioxide to freeze all the bugs and that killed every single one.


Aereth March 22, 2011 at 9:43 am

Maybe try washing your sheets with hot water, and vacuuming the mattress with that little hose attachment. Hope this helps!


Alex March 22, 2011 at 9:51 am

Throw out your mattress, sheets, pillows, any random furniture near the bed and use pesticide on the walls. You are, how do you say, effed.


Joey March 22, 2011 at 10:50 am

bed bugs are extremely small and there are thousands in everyones’ bed. They just eat dead skin so you shouldnt care. Unless you describe your bites idk what you have


Fish March 22, 2011 at 11:24 am
hu.wen_how March 22, 2011 at 12:14 pm

Why don’t you vacuum the mattress? It’ll suck out all the bed bugs. I suggest you clean your room more often than once a week.


Shirley M March 22, 2011 at 12:56 pm

are you sure they aren’t fleas? Take your sheets and blankets off and wash them in very hot water. vacuum your mattress and in between the box spring and mattress. that should take care of it. if it is fleas, i would not let your pets in your room until they were treated with Frontline to kill the fleas.


D.C. Loki March 22, 2011 at 1:48 pm

you will have to get a Professional exterminator involved to completely rid your place of bugs. household pesticides will not work.

Get an experienced proffessional involved.

depending on the severity of infestation multiple treatments may be required.

also, you will want to pick up 2 mattress encasement’s. one for the box spring and one for the mattress. Most of the time the bed can be salvaged.

shop for encasement’s.

you shouldn’t be embarrased bed bug reportings are up 500% in the last 3 years in the united states alone.

hope this helps.


Jeremy's Mom March 22, 2011 at 2:39 pm

First of all in order to confirm the bites you’re receiving are in fact, bed bugs go to webMD and check out their slide show on bug bites. Bed bugs are small and usually hide behind headboards, in mattresses, etc. You get them b/c they hitch hike from a place already infested by way of your clothes, luggage, shoes, handbag, etc. If you do confirm they are bed bug bites without seeing a Dr. wash everything fabric in your house/room in HOT water, vacuum using a double bag or HEPA filter a couple times a day for 5 days and vacuum your mattress/box spring too. The Dr. can give you a topical cream to treat the existing bites, so if you can afford it see a Dr. to confirm and get the cream.


SK March 22, 2011 at 3:19 pm

It has nothing to do with how clean you or your room are. They could have been on your clothes after staying at a friends house or hotel, or they could even be coming in from a neighbouring flat/house. Firstly, you need to get a new matress. Wash all your bedding on a really hot wash, and if you have carpet in your room – get this cleaned. If they still aren’t gone you will have to get your place exterminated.
We recently had this problem in our house and had to get it sprayed, it was expensive, but worth it to know they were gone. They don’t only eat dead skin like someone above said, they are like mosquitos- they take blood. We had the problem only in one bedroom, and washed absolutely everything that was in there to make sure – clothes and all.
Hope you get rid of them!! 🙂


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