How Can I Get rid Of Bed Bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by theherodrowns16:
How Can I Get rid Of Bed Bugs?

I had bed bugs on my bed and ended up throwing away the matress cause I tried the whole putting a matress cover on but that didn’t work and I have a carpet in my room so i’m sure they’re hiding in that too and they’re even on my little brothers bed(who shares the room with me) and in my older brothers bed who’s in the next room over but before I start vacumming every single spot I can is there any certain SURE WAY to kill them powder I can use to put all over the carpet instead of just vacumming cause we’re about to move from this apartment but I don’t want to bring them along

Best answer:

Answer by Eggroll Jenkins
Short of throwing the furniture away……the best thing that I can tell you is to go to the hardware store and purchase a bottle of bed bug spray… you load the furniture on to the truck, take each piece outside and spray it down with the bed bug spray. Shake the furniture out to get any remaining bugs out. After all the furniture is removed from the apartment, sprinkle carpet freshener powder across the carpet and vacuum it up. Good luck.

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Jay B March 19, 2011 at 8:46 am

Bedbugs are currently not known to be vectors of disease. So you’re not likely to contract any disease from them. However they do bite you normally in your sleep and the bite mark can produce an itchy area when you wake up. You should not attempt to solve this particular bug problem on your own, you will likely not be successful.

Call three pest control companies in your area, Choose the most impressive company of the three.

If any of these companies projects that it is not difficult to rid you of these and just regular pest methods will be successful, do not choose this candidate. This likely will and rightly should be rather expensive to remedy as the time and meticulous treatment needed will be expensive for the company to provide.

Some companies are using a heat type treatment now for this but the equipment is fairly expensive and unless the company is doing a lot of these type treatments, they will likely use another method.

Other treatment methods include treating virtually every crack and crevice in the structure, sometimes dissembling furniture, and always dissembling the bed frames and treating the cracks and crevices there. Mattresses will need to be treated with a product that is safe and labeled for such and or using a mattress cover that is specially made to insure the bedbugs cannot enter or exit the mattress.
Don’t go cheap here… it’s worth the expense


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