who can slowly slowly educate us tell me all about bed bugs and about the fastest ways to get rid of them?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Mazen:
who can slowly slowly educate us tell me all about bed bugs and about the fastest ways to get rid of them?

what kinds , which ones are harmful, what harm do they do , how to find out if they r there and finally how to get rid of them ? the answer can be in stages .. ( may be we can suggest chain answers to the Yahoo caretakers )

Best answer:

Answer by Colin Cousins
I never have them. EVER. Because I sleep on an AIR mattress.

Bed bugs get inside your mattress. How are they gonna get inside what is essentially a big flat balloon?

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George March 19, 2011 at 1:52 am

as a child my family lived in a Victorian house and it was bug ridden the only thing that killed them was paraffin, If the are in the bed itself then you will have to wash the places where they congregate mostly in the corners of the mattress, they als tend tent to surround the wooden frames Every spring my mother would dismantle the beds take them into the back garden pour paraffin where the bugs had been and set light to the paraffin You can tell where they hide by the little specks of blood. I know now that the do not pass on any disease and the bites are not dangerous they are just a nuisance, you can of course get in a bug exterminator. I sjympathise with you


saxon trix March 19, 2011 at 2:36 am

bed bugs are tiny, almost invisible, insects that live of your old, discarded skin cells and once they are in your bedding they will multiply to such an extent that you might get itching and rashes on your skin. It is therefore advisable to buy a new duvet and throw the old one away every 2 years or if it is expensive top quality have it professionally laundered every year and also replace the mattress every 10 years. However, hanging out your duvet on the line on a very cold, frosty morning for a few hours will kill most of them off. Or better still put it in the freezer for a day, if there is room. That method is also good for childrens soft toys, it will sterilize them and freshen them up.


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