Do I have Bedbugs? help PLEASE!?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Katlady:
Do I have Bedbugs? help PLEASE!?

So I stayed at this cheap motel in New Hampshire last week and I think I got bedbugs there. Last night, i woke up and felt like things were crawling on me, a few small bites but I was hiking too, and all day today I feel like things are crawling on me. I can’t see anything, am I just paranoid? And if not, how do you get rid of them?

Best answer:

Answer by Cruel Intentions
eww you probably do!
i had them and it
call the exterminator!

answer mines;_ylt=AlCpM0inAJgEd_LUOgq_MQ_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090621171359AAP6nxu

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reesie March 17, 2011 at 3:14 am

bedbugs or seed ticks
bathe in a mild bleach mixture
rinse well and shower again
wash bedding in bleach and vacuum mattress
maybe set off a bug bomb in your house


jean ann j March 17, 2011 at 4:14 am

Sounds like you have chiggers

Finger nail polish will cut their air off.

Bed bugs come out at night and you can see them.

For a precaution, you could put a plastic cover over, the kind that covers the whole mattress and zips up, on your mattress. If they get in it, you will have to throw it away.

Put some alcohol,in with the cleaner, in a steam cleaner and steam your carpet.

To ease your mind, you could wash your sheets and everything.


Valerie March 17, 2011 at 4:57 am

Bedbugs are the size and shape of apple seeds, except their bodies are flat as a sheet of paper. They hide in the beds and come out only in the middle of the night. So they are rarely seen.

They do NOT stay on you. And if they bite you, you get these horrible red welts that itch like crazy, so, I seriously doubt that you have bed bugs.

What I would recommend is that you give you clothes a good washing. Take a shower, and tell yourself that they are all gone. That will make you feel better. (Yes, you are paranoid.)


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