How do I get rid of bed bugs with out breaking the bank?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by msfabulous:
How do I get rid of bed bugs with out breaking the bank?

I tried a old redemy with clorox and lightsoil I am so lost and I am afraid they have taken over my house I am single mother and my father came to visit and I guess there were some in his bags and it just got outta control and now it’s affecting my child.

Best answer:

Answer by Chris
Set off a bug bomb in your house, or a couple even. Get some at your local hardware store.

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Toke Lover - CANTHEIST March 5, 2011 at 5:38 am

Okay, I’ve worked for & lived in social housing…they are impossible to deal with, but they are very vulnerable to heat.

You can spray poison till the cows come home, but still not gonna help.

Clean. Take down & throw in dryer on extreme heat anything you can. Clear out whatever you can. Seal everything up tight as you can & crank the heat up as much as you can. We brought in industrial heaters to raise the temp in 1 high-rise, it was the only way to get rid of the little feckers.

Now, bed bugs are actually fussy & prefer clean soft places. Hope that helps.

PS: feel free to e-mail me if you want explanation….I may even be able to find you some links….


Jeff G March 5, 2011 at 6:11 am

Bug bombs are not very effective.

I’d follow these steps:

1. I’d 1st vacuum all areas around the bed and mattress using the crevice tool that came with your vacuum. I’d wash all clothing, blankets etc in hot water, followed by 20 minutes in the dryer. Only carry clothes in a plastic bin to avoid dropping bed bugs around the house.

2. If you have a hand steamer, go over the mattress and box spring, bed frame etc. head boards etc. High heat will kill bed bugs and eggs.

3. Buy a low cost bed bug spray such as Sterifab. The link in the source below is for under $ 10 a bottle. It can be used to treat all areas of the room. As. an alternative you can buy some JT Eatons powder for around $ 20 (1st link provided below). Be sure to treat areas under mattress labels etc.

4. Buy a big bag of insect dust at your local garden store. This will cost under $ 10. Spread the dust in cracks, crevices etc. The dust attaches to the bed bugs and kills them.

5. Throw out any clutter in plastic bags. Bed bugs can hide everywhere.


MizZy March 5, 2011 at 6:26 am

Wow, I must tell you, dealing with bedbugs is not a cheap thing if you want to be effective. It is a sad truth. The problem will only worsen if you do not alienate it.

It is a good idea to wash all your clothes, and then bag them, and keep the bag where the sun can hit it for a few days.

Bed bugs like to live in the wood, so you might consider getting rid of where they are nesting, like a bed frame, or under rugs. If you do throw things away please ensure that no one else picks up your trash, try to bag it up if possible and write the word “contaminated” on it.

Two ways of killing bed bugs are heat, or to freeze them. I would call your local pest control and have them do an effective treatment on the bugs. But, you need to make sure your preparation is effective, otherwise, they will not leave.


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