how can you get rid of bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by chelsealam11:
how can you get rid of bed bugs?

well.. i don’t have them, but i’m deathly afraid of bugs. how do they go away?

Best answer:

Answer by sharp_shooter
First of all everybody has them they just dont know it. Wash the blankets at least once a week. The bugs are harmless. They eat the dead skin cells and other stuff that fall off the human body.

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Pdoxfalls February 25, 2011 at 4:54 am

I think Sharp_Shooter is talking about dust mites… Yes, we all have them and they’re pretty much impossible to get rid of (you actually want them there to clean up your shedded skin flakes and other tiny organic matter that would otherwise pile up). If you don’t have bedbugs right now, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. You would know if you did because adults are about the size of an appleseed – easy to spot. You can also spot their young if you look closely. People usually end up with bedbugs in their homes by bringing them back in their suitcases when traveling, buying infested used furniture or clothing, or living in an apartment with an infestation next door. When traveling, check the hotel bed by lifting the mattress quickly at night… If you don’t see anything scurry away, you should be fine (you can inspect bed seams at the hotel and also your suitcase when you get home before you unpack). If you buy used items, wash them well (inspect seams of furniture before buying!). If you live in an apartment, you can treat adjoining cracks with boric acid power (a great natural insecticide). If you do end up with bed bugs, you can use a special insecticide to kill adults and a growth inhibitor to keep young bugs from reaching sexual maturity, so the infestation will eventually die out. Hope this helps!


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