Moved into a apartment and it has bed bugs in it help!?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Becky:
Moved into a apartment and it has bed bugs in it help!?

I just moved into a apartment a little over 2 months ago and found out there are bed bugs currently in there. I have brand new furniture, I don’t stay at hotels, and I don’t have frequent visitors, so I know they couldn’t of came from anywhere else. I am worried if the apartment complex says its my fault and I will have to pay to have it cleaned. Is there anyway to be able to prove the bugs didn’t come from me?

Best answer:

Answer by Professional Peon
Just get one of those rubber or plastic sheets that go under the regular sheet. I’ve been told it will suffocate the bed bugs.

And we all know that dead bed bugs = awesomeness

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Peter February 21, 2011 at 10:50 am

unfortunately bed bugs are making a big comeback. They are easily controlled though and not that pricey a removal. You can pick them up in movie theaters nowadays. They like the dark and latch onto your clothes. Get some boric acid and apply it around your bed and on the floor where there are traces. It is harmless to humans but the bugs end up eating it and it will kill them.


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