Is there something that you can apply to your skin so bed bugs will not bite?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by lunabuna72:
Is there something that you can apply to your skin so bed bugs will not bite?

Just curious if there is some kind of bed bug repellent that you can put on your skin.

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thenoseknows February 16, 2011 at 8:30 am

Yeah, you could smother yourself with a Deet-based insect repellant, but it’s toxic to your liver and overall health. It also stinks.
You need to seriously do some major housecleaning — wash bedframes, sheets, pillows with hot soapy water, vaccuum like crazy and dispose of the bag/contents outside immediately. The best non-toxic bug killer (safe for people and pets) is food-grade diatomaceous earth — a white powder made from plankton — that blocks any insect’s breathing mechanism and kills them within minutes. You can sprinkle this around the baseboards, etc.


Psydome February 16, 2011 at 9:02 am

I dont know. But bed bugs are normal. You have little insects all over your body feeding off of you. Even in your eye lashes. That is just how it is.

We seem to have become so averse to germs and bugs in modern society. I advise not worrying about it.


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