will sweating for a long period of time and keeping your hair oily kill lice or bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Curious Questions:
will sweating for a long period of time and keeping your hair oily kill lice or bed bugs?

cause i haave no idea if i have lice or not. i wa trying on a hat and my mom said it couldve lice…
so now a few weeks later. still itchy
so im trying to sweat alot to kill lice or bed bugs if its bed bug…
is it possible to catch bed bugs from trying on a hat in a store?

Best answer:

Answer by peanut
No. You have to buy special shampoo that kills the nits.

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Superwoman February 11, 2011 at 6:15 pm

Um lice yes ? your stupid use NIX or something you can get lice by sharing or using anything that’s fabric that people have used before or could have.


NoraCat February 11, 2011 at 6:53 pm

Being sweaty or oily isn’t going to kill lice or bedbugs – or even discourage them! After all, for most of history, people have usually been sweaty and oily; bathing was pretty rare.

And yes, you could catch lice or bed bugs from trying on a hat or clothes, though it probably doesn’t happen that often.


swordfish February 11, 2011 at 7:12 pm

a great home remedy for lice is LISTERINE mouthwash on your head. soak your hair in it and put a shower cap on overnight. it will kill everything. use the original kind, not the mint (sugar in the mint mouthwash makes your hair sticky) then wash it out the next day. but you SHOULD buy lice spray to spray your pillow and bedding.

sweating or letting your hair get greasy doesn’t help. yes, you can catch lice from trying a hat on in a store if someone with a massive amount of bugs had tried it on before.


Amanda J February 11, 2011 at 7:20 pm

Sweating doesnt help. A few ways to get rid of lice are spray, listerine, lice sampoo, and if all else fails your could cut your hair short and try all those again.
Also, trying on hats CAN give you headlice.


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