
What’s the story behind the saying “don’t let the bed bugs bite”?

Question by Patrick: What’s the story behind the saying “don’t let the bed bugs bite”? Best answer: Answer by bleachbuddythere are bugs that can live in your mattress. and if they bite you get little red dots all over you. it usually only occurs in places that are SUPER SUPER SUPER dirty. its soo gross! […]

How did the saying, “Don’t let the bed bugs bite”, come to be?

Question by Alien Chickens Are Taking Over: How did the saying, “Don’t let the bed bugs bite”, come to be? Did it actually have a meaning way back when???? Best answer: Answer by Bon BonI guess the bed bugs are still in very old hotels in europe♥ Post your answer to this question below.

Bed Bugs Are Biting In SD But Are They Dangerous?

Tease photo The old saying “sleep tight – don’t let the bed bugs bite” isn’t a figure of speech anymore. Bed bugs are crawling over mattresses, in crevasses and carpets across California and the country! Heading into the busiest travel week of the year, bed bugs are reportedly hitchhiking with airplane travelers. Why is San […]