
Has the history of the return of bed bugs ever been correlated to washing clothes in cold water?

Question by Ducky: Has the history of the return of bed bugs ever been correlated to washing clothes in cold water? Best answer: Answer by rick37usSure it has, cold water does nothing to kill bed bugs, hot water does. But thats not why there back, maybe because we stopped using insecticides, and poisoning the world. […]

What is the importance of “The Bedbug” by Vladimir Mayakovsky and Mayakovsky’s work in theatrical history?

Question by L: What is the importance of “The Bedbug” by Vladimir Mayakovsky and Mayakovsky’s work in theatrical history? Also, would someone please explain {simply} what Social Realism is and how Mayakovsky contributed to this?? I am not socialist at all. This is for a school report. Thank You please respond ASAP Best answer: Answer […]

Lou Sorkin Shares: How Did all of These Bed Bugs Get Here?

What are bed bugs and where did they come from? From size to habitat, life history to feeding style, appearance to life cycle details, and most importantly: what a bite looks like and how you know when you’ve got one, entomologist Lou Sorkin answers all of the bed bug questions you never knew you wanted […]