Do bedbugs attack one person, but not another sleeping in the same bed?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by xicanaocelotl:
Do bedbugs attack one person, but not another sleeping in the same bed?

I have mysterious bites on my legs, especially the right one around the knee. The bites are mainly my legs above the knees and some scattered bites onmy abdomen/back. I have no mosquitos and no animals so I doubt it would be fleas, and they do not look like spider bites either. I can’t figure out what’s been chewing on me!

I checked the mattress for bloodstains and bug poop and found none. I washed my linens and got no bites for a day, then started getting them again.

Also, my boyfriend has no bites at all. What could this be? Bedbugs are the only thing that slightly make any sense, but I hope that isn’t what it is.

Best answer:

Answer by ra3000gt
Yes it is. I had the same problem. No one in my house had the bites not even my girlfriend who slept next to me I even went to the doctor. After real good search (had to rip matres open) I found them were mostly closer to the side I slept on. So yeah I really think is bedbugs, check the matres really well and anything wood around it including cracks on wood floors.

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pinion34 January 25, 2011 at 7:29 pm

This doesn’t sound like a case of bedbugs but it could be. Bedbugs don’t actually hang out in your linens they only come up that far at night to feed. they regularly hang out in the mattress and such. You could be more sensitive to the bites than your boyfriend therefore show it in the morning whereas he doesn’t even notice. The funny thing is that usually you will see little black spots where the bugs deficated on the linens and you are not seeing them. If nothing else you can buy some insecticide that hotels use to kill bedbugs and use it on your bed and see if it fixes the problem.


rayguy03 January 25, 2011 at 7:56 pm

I recommend going to a doctor and getting that checked out, I know it sounds gross but it could be scabees,you can also incubate them in your skin for up to a month before you even start seeing signs of them. Its not that your gross or dont take care of yourself or anything, you can get them from anywhere,Someone elses pets,someones house you’ve been to,grass from the front or back yard. You need to also try and wash the couches,carpet,all the dirty clothes in the house and your mattress etc….anything that of cloth material…When you go to the doctor if he knows what it is he can prescribe you some medicine to take care of that,but to completly get rid of it, the rest is up to you, CLEAN EVERYTHING


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