Is there any trap for Bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Bed bug Killer:
Is there any trap for Bed bugs?

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theres bed bugs?

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kaliselenite April 8, 2011 at 8:21 pm

Our local paper just did a report on bed bugs — they are EXTREMELY hard to get rid of, and it even mentioned in the article that entire bed sets get thrown away sometimes when the exterminator can’t get rid of them…. here’s the article


milessturgell April 8, 2011 at 8:54 pm

Get a new bed. If you can’t try vacuuming your mattress. You should do that anyways, along with changing and washing the sheets often.


kimballama April 8, 2011 at 9:33 pm

Not that I have ever heard of. Your best bet is to vacuum the mattress and pillows often. When you change the bed leave it open for as long as you can, the light and air also help get rid of them. Take a shower before going to bed and rub your body with a good towel. They live off the dead skin cells. Change towel daily. Hope this helps!


lilabner April 8, 2011 at 9:58 pm

browse resolved questions there are all kinds of solutions.


Little Lulu April 8, 2011 at 10:55 pm

My grandma (married grandpa in 1888) put jar lids under each leg of the bed, and kept a little kerosene in each lid. She also made very sure that no bedding ever touched a wall or the floor. Every old house had bedbugs at the time, they lived in the wood, She scrubbed the floors with lye soap and a brush weekly, partly for bedbugs. I haven’t heard of a bedbug infestation in years, but I knew they hadn’t gone extinct. As for exterminators, get an independent. “Those that come out every month have to come out every month because they never quite get rid of the problem.”


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