Could it be bedbugs????

in Bedbug Questions

Question by need advice:
Could it be bedbugs????

I have big red bumps on my legs and arms, that look like mosquito bites. they itch really bad. (4 on arms, and about 6 on legs) I have already had the chicken pox twice, so it’s a very slim chance that it is the chicken pox. I am so scared it is BED BUGS but i just bought a new bed about 3-4 months ago. The bites aren’t in a LINE like i’ve seen mentioned on the internet about bed bugs. Does anyone know of anything else it would be? PLEASE!

Best answer:

Answer by Julia
fleas maybe mosquitoes try going to the store walmart and buy some pet spray for fleas if you have them it should be safe around them if you don’t you could have brought them in the house put alcohol on the bites right away

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Bed Bugs Handbook April 8, 2011 at 1:46 pm

The problem you describe is consistent with bed bug bites. Specifically, bed bugs bite exposed skin areas during sleep, which is the case here. Check to see if the bites have clear centers, another characteristic of bed bug bites.

Bites can appear individually or in groups, so this doesn’t tell you what they are, one way or another. The fact that they are on the arms and legs usually rules out fleas. Since they are not all over your body, such as underneath sleepwear, it rules out most allergic causes.

The first step is to see if you can locate a bed bug in your room. Check the mattress and see if their are any brown or red marks near the seams. Even though it is new, it could have been transported with a used infested mattress in the same truck. Also, if the truck transports used furniture, it could have been infested, with the bed bugs hitching a ride on your new mattress.

You can check the resource for mattress pictures and what to do if you find bed bugs.


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